Anna Brzozowska-Krajka’s Ethnoculture in the Diaspora: Between Regionalism and Americanisation is a pioneering monograph in Polish and American cultural studies. It deals with various aspects of the functioning of Polish immigrants’ folk culture in the context of American multiculturalism. This monograph is based on its author’s many years of research into the culture of Polish immigrants in the United States, mainly in the areas of metropolitan Chicago and on the East Coast. It defines the significance of the local (regional) cultures of the immigrants’ country of origin for shaping their cultural identity under the conditions of diaspora. It indicates various degrees of identification with and distance from the source culture (of the country of origin).
The monograph presents, interprets, and theorizes various forms of cultural expression of the Tatra highlander ethnic subgroup (Górals) within American Polonia, of the private and public face of its ethnicity. They include musical, song, and dance folklore, folk rituals (of the liturgical year, family rituals), folk art, folk costume, regional architecture, and ethno-marketing. Ethnoculture in the Diaspora is an essential work for the increasingly important field of folkloristic investigations of diasporic cultures that draw on the application of methods from the anthropology of culture and cultural studies. The study also has diagnostic value in the context of the explosion of ethnicity in the U.S. since the 1960s.