The Exercise Physiology, Study Guide, Workbook, & Lab Manual offers students an all-inclusive resource to help navigate an Advanced Exercise Physiology course. The 7th edition of this text offers a well-organized and easy to follow guide through a two semester course which focuses on system-based exercise physiology (semester one) and clinical and applied applications related to the field (semester two). The text is organized into two main Sections, with five primary Units in section one and four in section two. Each unit has content specific Chapters organized around a main topic. The text also contains a Laboratory Manual which includes numerous laboratory assignments and review questions which correspond to material outlined in each unit.
Exercise Physiology, Study Guide, Workbook, & Lab Manual(7th edition) includes many features that aid in student learning.
Specifically it includes:
Outlined notes which follows classical texts material and includes research data from primary literature.
Figures, charts and other visual aids embedded into chapter notes.
Chapter review questions to enhance student learning of important concepts.
Unit cross-word puzzles provided for additional learning.
Unit laboratory assignments and review questions to teach applied and clinical exercise physiology skills; a goal of the laboratory assignments is to also help solidify student comprehension of important concepts.