From the dust jacket: Mrs. Bryant's The Children's Book of Celebrated Pictures was so cordially received by librarians, teachers and the public generally that she was asked to do a similar book on famous sculptures. The new book contains fifty excellent reproductions of famous sculptures dating from a period of some five thousand years ago down to our own day. Each full-page reproduction is faced by a page of well-written text giving information about the sculpture shown. The book is a handsome volume which children will delight to go through time after time; and it is certain that no child could be its companion long without receiving definite cultural benefit. Among the reproductions in the book is that of Cheops, who build the great pyramid; of the ever-interesting Sphinx, still a silent riddle to the thousands who see it; the Assyrian Lioness of Nineveh; Theseus and the Victory of Greece; Michael Angelo's David and Moses; Della Robbia's Singing Boy's, etc., etc.