This is a practical guide book for anyone involved in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries or disorders. The book has been written by Simon Browning, a qualified osteopath with over 25 years of experience in treatment, coupled with several years experience of lecturing and supervising clinics at the London School of Osteopathy. Throughout that time, Browning honed and crafted the manuscript for this book, making it a unique and highly practical guide to his profession. The book will prove invaluable to orthopaedic medical practitioners, osteopaths, physiotherapists and chiropractors. It has been designed and written to aid the diagnostic process and draws together a wide range of information. In addition, the book has significant potential as a teaching aid, both for those in training and in the early stages of their career. From May 2004, it will become a statutory requirement for all osteopaths to continue their professional development, and 'Hands On' will be a valuable tool for this purpose.