Anglo-Norman Studies VIII - Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1985
Military Administration of the Norman Conquest; Romanesque Sculpture at St Georges de Boscherville and Hyde Abbey; Seasonal Festivals and Residence in Winchester, Westminster and Gloucester; Mrs Ella Armitage and Castle Studies; Local Loyalties in Stephen's Reign; Franci et Angli: Legal Distinctions; St Bernard and England; Change and Continuity in 11c Mercia: St Wulfstan; Land and Service; Frankish Rivalries and Norse Warriors; Knights of Shaftesbury Abbey. B.S. BACHRACH, M. BAYLÉE, M. BIDDLE, J. COUNIHAN, R. EALES, G. GARNETT, C. HOLDSWORTH, E. MASON, R. MORTIMER, E. SEARLE, A. WILLIAMS.26 plates, figs.