A close study and recreation of Goethe's life, loves, interests, and works between 1749 and 1775. Covers the creation of such works as Gotz von Berlichingen, Werther and the Urfaust, Goethe's relations with a dozen women, and the early development of themes that recurred throughout his life. "P. Hume Brown presents clearly and entertainingly the story of the poet's early years, endeavoring to analyze his nature, environment, and mode of life, in their relation to his development, both then and in later years. "Mr. Brown's book is critical without being pedantic, and sympathetic without falling into the over-exuberance of German biographers, which often repels the English reader. In its compass it presents a full and very understanding and interesting account of the young Goethe." -- The New York Times "A book full of interest." -- Boston Transcript