The state of Caeles is an intriguing phenomenon that has emerged sometime in the Earth's future. It is the very realization of a sort of hellish heaven, for there is an entity that is much akin to omnipotent, much akin to omniscient, and much akin to omnibenevolent. However, these three characteristics are what make it more threatening and more ominous, and its actions shed light on the kind of distance and indifference such an entity would have toward its adherents, which are, in this case, the 'citizens' of Caeles: the not too distant descendants of Homo sapiens sapiens who are called, under its lordship, Homo Subsidium. Its objectives are solely its own; it cares little about those it utilizes to accomplish those objectives, i.e., humanity. The technology the world possesses at this time is beyond magical, and this entity, being an innovative child of such technology and of certain beliefs entwined in that technology's usage, is quite unlike any miracle ever wished for. The book consists of narratives from a part of its realm, and the narratives are a series of modest descriptions of the powers it employs, the inhabitants it possesses, and the ends it wants. The very abstraction of a passive observer who is, more or less, unaffected by the 'surrounding' world is no longer valid because of the entity's complete dominance of every stream of information or consciousness it encounters or detects; hence, the stories are told from a perspective that can be effectively called nowhere, given that they could not be told, in any coherent form, from anywhere else within Caeles. Enjoy the experiment in undesired perfection.