Clinics in Optometry; A Compilation of Eye Clinics Covering Fully All Errors of Refraction and Anomalies of Muscles, with Method
The book may have numerous typos or missing text. It is not illustrated or indexed. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher's website. You can also preview the book there.Purchasers are also entitled to a trial membership in the publisher's book club where they can select from more than a million books for free.Subtitle: A Compilation of Eye Clinics Covering Fully All Errors of Refraction and Anomalies of Muscles, With Methods of Examination, Tests and Corrections, as Used in Actual Practice. a Text-Book of the Practice of OptometryOriginal Publisher: The Keystone publishing co. Publication date: 1907Subjects: Eye; Medical / Ophthalmology; Medical / Optometry