Ever wonder why many younger women are attracted to married men? Beat your brain against that brick no more! Mysteries and Myths about Married Men takes you from Adam and Eve right up to the present, where millions of 'marriages' are falling on the rocks because husbands believe younger is better. The bikini-bodied sweet-sixteens with tattoos and piercings are dangling the carrot and married men are falling for it. But hold your horses, because that's simply one issue that this compilation addresses. The story of sex never ends, and while some ardently believe Adam fouled up in the Garden by eating an apple that Eve offered, others are seriously beginning to put sex into the picture, that that's where it began. Meanwhile, waves of lonesome wives are weighed down in distress trying to figure out where they could've gone wrong, in their effort to keep a family together. But this book's meant to beckon readers back to the basics, if they possess the will to find some good and positive perceptions of the truth.