The mind-dwellers of Gathandria are under siege. For two year-cycles their people have been decimated, their beautiful city ruined. Legends tell of the Lost One who will save them from their enemy - the mind-executioner. Time is running out. Johan and Isabella journey to the Lammas Lands searching for their cousin and lowly scribe, Simon Hartstongue. The elders hope that he is who they seek. But there is one amongst them bound to the enemy, who plans to betray Simon. Powerful lessons are learned as they travel through the kingdoms of the Mountains, the Air, the Desert and the Waters. Story-telling weaves a protective net around them, but the enemy has absolute power with the stolen mind-cane. To his surprise Simon hears its song and tries to understand his gifting. If you are branded a coward and a murderer, how can you be a saviour? Is Simon truly the One?