Clarence Smyth is a psychically gifted little boy born in London at the dawn of the 20th Century. He has an extraordinary life meeting and influencing many famous and some infamous people of that era. This book is a rewrite of the classic The Boy Who Saw True, which were actual diaries of a Victorian boy (author unknown).
Anyone familiar with that book will remember being frustrated at only reading a part of his story. Although this is set in a slightly later period, it completes the story and weaves in other intrigues as well as Clarence being "watched" because of some of the accurate predictions he makes. There is a dark element to Clarence's story, but it is told with insight and humour on his part, as we see Clarence go from being a young boy to a man.
The Diaries of a Gifted Edwardian Boy is for all ages from young adult to the mature.
It is an interesting, amusing and enjoyable read.