One quiet October morning, in a suburban neighbourhood of Cincinnati, Ohio, after awakening from a recurring nightmare, 41-year-old stay-at-home mom and social media aficionado Enid Kimble receives two messages, one a disquieting phone call about her mother, and the other a newspaper clipping in a plain envelope in her mailbox, that start to unravel her carefully woven-together world. These two startling messages force Enid to grapple with her past and future in new ways. In a story that weaves together crime, legal drama, romance, adolescence, and motherhood, Enid Kimble struggles to come to terms with her past and makes life-altering decisions about her future. This tense, layered novel debut by lawyer and legal scholar Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich, with the gifted and troubled character of Enid at its centre, spins an intriguing story about motherhood, love, law, coming to terms with the complexities of our pasts, and claiming our futures. In doing so, the author offers invigorating and original engagements with law, mythology, feminism, and motherhood that will resonate with legal professionals, academics, and the general public alike. Poignant and funny, the story weaves together scrupulously accurate legal narrative and compelling personal drama.