The Sixth International Symposium of Paediatric Nephrology took place between 29 August and 2 September 1983 in Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany. It was organized on behalf of the International Paediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA), and sponsored by the regional societies of paediatric nephrology, i. e. the American Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ASPN), the European Society ofPaedi- atric Nephrology (ESPN), the Japanese Society of Pediatric Nephrology (JSPN) and the Latin American Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ALANEPE). The five in- ternational meetings preceding the Hannover symposium were held in Guadalajara 1968 (G. Gordillo-Paniagua), Paris 1971 (P. Royer, R. Habib, H. Mathieu), Washing- ton 1974 (P. L. Calcagno, C. E. Hollerman), Helsinki 1977 (N. Hallman, O. Koski- mies) and Philadelphia 1980 (A. B. Gruskin, M. E. Norman). The scientific programme of the Hannover meeting was a reflection of the many suggestions brought before the Programme Content Committee. It consisted of plenary sessions, symposia, workshops, short communications and posters.
The lec- turers at the plenary sessions were invited by the President according to the topics selected by the Programme Content Committee. The symposia dealing with special aspects of paediatric nephrology were organized in a combined effort by chairper- sons selected as experts in the topic concerned and by the President. This volume contains all the papers from the four plenary sessions and 95% of the symposia presentations.