Dreschfeld Memorial Volume; Containing an Account of the Life, Work, and Writings of the Late Julius Dreschfeld, M. D., F. R. C.
This is an OCR edition without illustrations or index. It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from GeneralBooksClub.com. You can also preview excerpts from the book there. Purchasers are also entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Subtitle: Containing an Account of the Life, Work, and Writings of the Late Julius Dreschfeld, M. D., F. R. C. P., With a Series of Original Articles Dedicated to His Memory by Colleagues in the University of Manchester and Former Pupils; Original Published by: University press in 1908 in 318 pages; Subjects: ReferenceEnglish imprints; Great Britain; Reference / Bibliographies & Indexes;