Defending correctly is one of the key skills required in Bridge. However, many players, to their detriment, ignore studying this aspect of the game in preference to honing their skills at declarer play. Nevertheless, during your bridge career you will find yourself playing a defensive role twice as often as you will be declarer. Become a successful defender and your overall results will improve dramatically. Attempting to defeat the opposing contract is usually a tricky business as you have to rely on you and your partner being on the same wavelength regarding your defensive plan. Your cunning defensive idea can easily be scuppered by an inattentive partner. This book aims to help you tacked the tricky subject of defensive play and is written by a leading Bridge author, giving guidance on how to tackle the various awkward decisions that occur when trying to defend. The material is presented in an easy-to-understand format and there are numerous examples to illustrate the ideas as well as 100 test questions to enable you to gauge your appreciation of the finer points of defensive play.