I'm here. Walking with you. I'll always be here. "By Morning's Light" offers a message of hope and comfort to anyone who has ever lost a loved one. Ginny Brock's powerful and uplifting account of reconnecting with her son after his death confirms that our friends and family are always with us. Almost immediately after her son Drew dies, Ginny Brock experiences an unforgettable vision of guiding his sad and confused spirit to the light. Thereafter, countless signs of his presence, cherished reminders of his undying and joyous spirit, help to heal her profound grief. Drew communicates with Ginny and others through incredibly vivid dreams and a variety of signs: the unusual and repeated appearance of animals or objects (often upon request), unmistakable coincidences, and meaningful songs. Ginny's amazing conversations with her son also reveal glimpses of the wondrous, love-filled afterlife.