Introducing Diseases, Complications, and Drug Therapy in Obstetrics: A Guide for Clinicians. Edited by Gerald Briggs and Michael Nageotte, two of the leading names in maternal-fetal medicine, this new resource both answers your questions and provides practical tools for your daily patient care. This book is comprised of 27 chapters and broken down in three key sections: I. General Considerations in Pregnancy and Lactation; II. Complications; III. Treatment of Chronic Diseases in Pregnancy In sections II and III, case discussions bookend the chapters and there are extensive figures, tables, and discussion questions throughout. This text is designed to help you navigate the best course of treatment for your patients. Learn how to safely treat expectant mothers who suffer from chronic diseases, such as:* Asthma* Depression* Gestational diabetes* Epilepsy* Chronic hypertension* Infectious disease* Nausea* Autoimmune disease* Thromboembolic disease* Thyroid diseaseThe two expert editors and thirty-two contributors cover many of the questions your patients may ask, including: Which over-the-counter medicines are safe? What physiologic changes are normal during pregnancy?
Will this cause my baby any developmental delays? Is this medication safe during lactation? If you work with pregnant women and lactating mothers, you need to understand the risks and rewards of drug therapy. Your well-informed choices can save lives.