As I See It is a collection of personal essays abouthealthcare and healthcare reform. Although thecontent of these essays is factual, the authors utilizeliterary techniques to create an interesting narrativethat conveys an intentional message. The essaysin this collection often have a familiar tone andare characterized by authorial introspection anda personal struggle for honesty. Ideally, personalessays reveal hidden tensions and contradictionsthat may go against the grain of conventionalwisdom in thought-provoking or complex ways.
The authors are primarily experienced healthcareprofessionals who have stepped back from theirdaily work to reflect on their personal experiencesand how these experiences relate to some of the“big picture” (or policy) issues in healthcare.These essays provide a glimpse of what it is like tobe “inside” the healthcare system. They invite areexamination of taken-for-granted assumptions bydocumenting the complexity of the interrelationshipbetween healthcare practice, economic markets,ethics, and corporate responsibility. The power ofthese essays comes from linking personal experienceto the ongoing debate over the structure and natureof the U.S. healthcare system.