Just as Christ was sent by the Father to be the revelation of his love for the world, so we are sent by Christ to make present to our world that same love: "As the Father sent me, so I send you". In Christ, the One Sent Father Brennan helps us see Christ precisely as the one sent by the Father, and in discovering Christ's "sentness" and "mission" we discover our own.In Christ, the One Sent Father Brennan contends that to see Christ in the role of the "one sent" is immediately to discover the Father and the Spirit fully and directly involved in the work of salvation; it is to see Christ as the one who leads us back to the Father in the Spirit. It helps us answer the ever-present question of our Lord: "Who do you say I am?" This is a question every Christian must answer and Father Brennan presents it in a meaningful and understandable way.
Father Brennan asserts in Christ, the One Sent that to rediscover Christ as the one sent by the Father for the salvation of the world is to rediscover who we are as his disciples. It is to rediscover again the trinitarian heart of the Incarnation and of the plan of salvation. Christ, the One Sent is intended for all involved in the Church's mission, especially missionaries, pastors, pastoral ministers, committed lay ministers, and parents. While written for the informed non-specialist, it does require a basic knowledge of Christian theology and related subjects.