Avoid legal consequences in your library by knowing copyright law!
Legal Solutions in Electronic Reserves and the Electronic Delivery of Interlibrary Loan guides you through the process of developing policies to protect you, your library, and your patrons. The book examines the philosophy and regulations behind the laws and guidelines that apply directly to library services, allowing library staff and administration to better understand why these rules are needed. This vital resource offers suggestions and advice to ensure your library can offer the best services to your patrons while staying within the boundaries of the law.
With this informative tool, you’ll learn more about:
copyright basicsspecial allowances, licensing, penalties
confidentiality basicsstate regulations, institutional regulations, records retention policies
electronic reserves and electronic delivery of interlibrary loandifferences of electronic versus physical, negotiating permissions and database contracts for use
and more!
Legal Solutions in Electronic Reserves and the Electronic Delivery of Interlibrary Loan shows you where to find works in the public domain and free E-material on the Internet. It also lists several Web sites to help you obtain permission, acquire information on copyrights and electronic reserves, or join a listserv or discussion group on these issues. This book includes a section on current legislative issues that will affect you in the future.
To help you plan your course of action, Legal Solutions in Electronic Reserves and the Electronic Delivery of Interlibrary Loan includes the text of several important laws and guidelines, such as:
the Copyright Law
the Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not-For-Profit Educational Institutions with Respect to Books and Periodicals
the CONTU Guidelines on Photocopying under Interlibrary Loan Arrangements
the CONFU Fair-Use Guidelines for Electronic Reserve Systems
the American Library Association Model Policy Concerning College and University Photocopying for Classroom, Research, and Library Reserve Use (Section on Reserves)