The increased interest in entrepreneurial ecosystems often builds on the underlying assumption that entrepreneurs have equal access to resources, participation, and support. However, women are underrepresented in successful entrepreneurial ecosystems and a persistent gender bias continues to exist. This bias is reflected in assumptions about the typical entrepreneur. It is white American men that spring to mind, portrayed as entrepreneurial superheroes, associated with risk- taking and big money. That they are men is often taken for granted; with successful female entrepreneurs seldom elevated in the same way. This illustrates how entrepreneurship is gendered, with implications for resource access and chances of success. The entrepreneurial ecosystem is not a level playing field.
This bbook gives insights on how to remedy gendered challenges that pose problems not only for individuals but also for the entrepreneurial ecosystem. By analysing ways of making entrepreneurial ecosystems more gender- inclusive, the chapters collectively highlight the impact of gender dynamics on entrepreneurial ecosystems and introduce innovative methods for fostering inclusivity. With examples from around the globe, they emphasise the actors and factors that matter for gender- inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems.
The book is interdisciplinary and will appeal to scholars, upper- level students and policymakers interested in entrepreneurship and gender inclusivity.