Earning money is one thing but giving it away with intelligence and consideration is the hardest thing in the world. That's where philanthropy advice fills a real and increasing need. Philanthropy advising is an emerging and important profession that has largely gone under the wire in spite of the growing demand, particularly among younger donors, for support in charitable giving. Advising Philanthropists explores the developing role of philanthropy advisor, the practicalities involved in the job and the wide range of skills and knowledge needed to start and excel at working with donors.
As well as explaining the key concepts, this accessible guide considers the challenges that can be encountered and ethical dilemmas that must be considered; it is supplemented by the inclusion of previously unpublished interviews with 40 philanthropy advisors from around the globe providing illuminating case studies and insights. Focused on UK-practice, but also rich with examples and material from across the world, this book is a unique and timely addition to the developing body of literature on philanthropy.
Advising Philanthropists covers: How the role of advisor has emerged; What key concepts you need to know;The role and practical skills of an advisor; Understanding and working with donors; The challenges and broader context in giving philanthropy advice
The key audience for this book is those new to or considering a career in philanthropy advising, including students, as well as established philanthropy advice professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge and improve their practice