Whether you're working at home, on the road, or in any othernontraditional work arrangement, here's what you'll need to set up,survive, and thrive in the virtual office. Alice Bredin, theleading authority on the virtual office, gives you expert adviceon:
* Getting there--choosing the right business idea, negotiating fortelecommuting, and selling your family on your new workstyle
* Organizing yourself--structuring your environment, setting up avirtual office in your home or car, dealing with a satellite officesituation, choosing and finding the best technology
* Maintaining your virtual office--staying in the loop when you'renot in an office, keeping in touch when you're on the road,generating business, finding free publicity, adopting the habits ofhighly successful virtual office workers, maintaining contact withthe office or customers, communicating effectively via technology
* Surviving--creating and maintaining work/life balance, working athome with kids, avoiding overwork, making sure your accomplishmentsare recognized, learning to take vacations, staying away from thefridge, being a good boss to yourself
Whether you are contemplating this new work arrangement, activelyin transition, or firmly entrenched in this workplace revolution,this comprehensive guide is your key to success in your new workingenvironment.