This workbook is organised around five theme-based chapters (each in line with a Unit Standard): Society, environment and development; Events, time and space; Social justice, human rights and democracy; Diversity and change; Working for change. To further help you with your ABET studies, the book offers these features and benefits: It is written in an easy-to-read style so that all students can understand the material; It has many lively and relevant activities that students will want to complete; All the curriculum requirements (i.e. Unit Standards, Specific Outcomes (SOs) and Assessment Criteria (ACs) are shown in the introduction; The number of credits for each chapter is listed both in the introduction and in the corresponding chapter; The detailed Contents pages list SOs and ACs again, as do the chapter introductions, so that students can keep track of their own progress; Important words and ideas are highlighted and explained throughout the book; The many illustrations support the text and, together with the diagrams and photographs, develop key concepts; Plenty of Do this now! and Something to know features have been added to increase students' learning experience, skills and information; Useful Facilitator's notes accompany the activities so that facilitators, and students who are working on their own, have all the help they need; A full Glossary at the end of the book gives the meaning of all the most important words used.