"Show me a world I haven�t seen before!" These words from veteran cinematographer Barry Braverman will resonate as you read (and re-read) this revamped edition of Video Shooter. The third edition takes you beyond the technicalities of sensors, lenses, and tripods, to instill a practical and inspired appreciation for the craft of both the camera and the stories you choose to tell. Braverman draws from decades of personal experience on high-profile documentaries and feature films to explain the makings of a compelling visual storyteller.
This is no ordinary dull-as-dishwater camera book! With wit and humor Video Shooter, Third Edition explores the discipline of the 2D and 3D imagemaker, from the need to maintain a clear point of view and eyeline, to the emotional impact of lens choice and color palette. You�ll learn to avoid generic shots and angles, and apply the principle of exclusion to maintain rigorous control of the frame. You�ll understand how close-ups can drive a story and how composition, selective focus, and simple lighting direct the viewer�s eye inside the frame. Most of all you�ll learn not to make it too easy � by challenging your viewers, you�ll elevate the value of your work and your reputation as a craftsman.
Whether you shoot with a sophisticated 4K camcorder, large-sensor DSLR, or an iPhone, the lessons of Video Shooter, Third Edition will enhance your storytelling skills by helping you exploit a camera�s capabilities to the maximum.
New to Video Shooter, Third Edition: 3D storytelling and techniques fundamentals of image capture and stereo production with an emphasis on simple integrated one-piece 3D camcorders Video storytelling with DSLRs how to get the best look out of these large sensor cameras despite the compromises Post-camera imaging, filtering, stabilizing Outputting your show to t