This unique book presents the first systematic overview of policy analysis activities in Belgium. Contributors from both sides of the Dutch-French language border (from research institutes in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia) use original empirical data, through surveys and interviews with key players both within and outside government, to provide a comprehensive study of policy analysis in a multi-level polity.
By the very nature of the Belgian experience, the volume is comparative, drawing conclusions on divergence and convergence of policy analysis, making it an important resource for both national and international scholars.
Contributions by: Silke Ruebens, Justin Lawarée, Dave Sinardet, Baldwin Van Gorp, Vincent Jacquet, Jan Van Damme, Michael Keating, Alex Wilson, Nele Bossens, Benoit Rihoux, Pauline Pirlot, Steven Van Hecke, Nathalie Schiffino, Benjamin Biard, Wouter Wolfs, Lieven De Winter, Catherine Fallon, Min Reuchamps, Ellen Wayenberg, Sylke Jaspers, Athanassios Gouglas, Christian de Visscher, Valerie Pattyn, Maxime Petit Jean, Bart De Peuter, Ellen Fobé