This book contributes to and broadens the field of Border Criminology, by bringing together a collection of chapters from leading scholars engaged in cross-national and comparative conversations on bordered penality and crimmigration practices, with a specific focus on research conducted in places that may be considered peripheral and semi-peripheral jurisdictions.
It builds not only on global criminological debates but also on southern criminological concerns, thereby enriching border criminology conversations by expanding the epistemological boundaries of these academic debates. It asks a variety of questions. What is the part being played by detention practices at the national level and how is it changing over time? To what extent are deportation policies playing a significant role in the coercive management of unwanted noncitizens? Is the criminal justice system, and more precisely the prison system crucially supplementing the immigration enforcement apparatus in handling undocumented noncitizen groups? Should that be the case, is the increasing criminalization of noncitizens leading to the consolidation of a dual criminal justice system?
It is essential reading for those engaged in Border Criminology, Southern Criminology, and Comparative Criminal Justice.