'The Elfstone', a gripping, second adventure beyond the Veil in the Rag and Boyd fantasy series, the follow up to the first book 'The Fabulous Zoo'.Rag and Boyd are returning to Scotland after visiting their old house. At the rail station they discover two teens in trouble - an American girl called Mackenzie, and Penry... hiding the fact he's the youngest son of the Svartalfar Lord of the North.Mac and Penry have accidently become entangled by a summoning charm. Their unbreakable bond can only be severed on Glastonbury Tor at Midsummer's Dawn. That's three days and 120 miles away - and Penry can't travel inside anything made of metal. Chased by the police, who think Mac's been kidnapped - and Penry's bodyguard, Galad, an outcast liosalfar warrior with a terrible past. Galad cuts the Veil for them to escape into the Otherworld. As they race south-west across the countryside on foot, they all face serious jeopardy from the strange, unearthly folk who live there. Who are going to help, and who will hinder them? Morag and Boyd must put their trust in unlikely allies.