"Mark Bowser tells a very effective story on what leadership is and how you can achieve it. It is never too late to get better. This book will help you do just that."-Lee Cockerell (Retired and Inspired), Executive Vice President, Walt Disney World (R)
In the style of 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, told in story form about Andrew Steel who has just been promoted to the presidency of Steele Books, although not the way he wanted it to happen.
Andrew found himself in an almost impossible situation. Promoted because of the passing of his beloved uncle, mourning his loss, Andrew felt the weight of the entire company falling squarely on his shoulders. He felt ill-equipped and highly incompetent to fill the shoes of such a great leader.
In this inspiring business fable, Mark Bowser introduces you to characters that are as real as the people you ate breakfast with, relatable in so many ways. In Thrown In, you get a front-row seat as Andrew Steele struggles to lift up a business that is stagnating into mediocrity. At a loss as to his next step, Andrew meets a mysterious stranger who changes his outlook on his business and his life.
This stranger turned mentor, Digger Jones, teaches Andrew how to be the leader he was meant to be, fill the enormous shoes of his beloved uncle and turn a failing business into a success, and you too will learn how through Andrews success.
This motivating story will teach you leadership principles that stand the test of time and will increase your influence and productivity - read, learn, and be entertained and use these principles to excel in your business and life.