The Frankenstein Steps and Other Adventures
The Double Dare Gang books 'The Allotment Ghost' and 'The Frankenstein Steps' are an integal part of StoryMaker. Extracts and examples from these books are used in the StoryMaker manual to exemplify many of the accelerated learning techniques. Live to Dare - Dare to live! Nige, Brian, Steve, Anna, Anthony, Kevin and Neil are the Double Dare Gang - a group of ordinary kids from an ordinary town who have the most wonderful adventures. Why is Steve so terrified of an ordinary flight of steps? Why does Anthony get captured by Stonehead Henderson's group? What is the riskiest dare the DDG have ever carried out? How does little boy change the lives of the Double Dare Gang? Do you love excitement and fun? Will you follow the DDG's Code of Honour? Then come on in...If you dare!
Volume editor: Anne Oppenheimer
Illustrated by: Jamie Egerton, Sandi Patterson