Mr Bedford has an extraordinary tale to tell. A tale of discovery and adventure, of bravery and sacrifice, and of strange creatures beyond our world. His story begins with a chance meeting in the English countryside. Professor Cornelius Cavor is a scientist, a visionary, and a dreamer - but in Mr Bedford, he finds the practical partner who can help him realise his ambition. The two are thrown together on an impossible journey, and together, Cavor and Bedford are destined to become...The First Men in the Moon. The First Men in the Moon is the second of six full-cast adaptations in 2017 of the works of British Sci-Fi writer extraordinaire Herbert George Wells. Busy director Lisa Bowerman has worked with Big Finish since 1998, when she played Doctor Who companion Professor Bernice Summerfield - a role that continues to this day! Star Nigel Planer has had a long career in British television, but to an entire generation will always be much loved as hippy Neil in anarchic cult comedy The Young Ones. Game of Thrones fans will recognise Gethin Anthony as Renly Baratheon. He's also currently starring opposite The X Files' David Duchovny in US hit show Aquarius.
CAST: Nigel Planer (Professor Cavor), Gethin Anthony (Bedford), Chloe Pirrie (Maria Bell), Alan Cox (Shapps/Bartoli/Selinites), David Horovitch (The Grand Lunar).
Composed by: Peter Doggart