Frequently we hear talk about a "New World Order" or globally integrated society. In fact, it seems like everyday we hear in the news about progress toward this end. A United Nation's military, a common currency including the most recently designed "Amero," a North American superhighway, and establishment of the a newly formed
regional "Trade Bloc" called CAFTA are just a few of the agenda items pushed by highly influential people who seek a "globalized" world.
Have you ever wondered, specifically, what life might be like under the currently designed New World Order plan? Ideally, a NWO would definitely eliminate poverty-that particular part of the current plan is very commendable. However, from what we hear, the upcoming NWO is also supposed to be run by only few, very wealthy and powerful elitists who intend to create a so-called "utopia" by means of compulsion! In other words, it is to be a market system where the democratic elements including free choice of what gets consumed and what activities gets undertaken are dictated by a small ruling class.
This book brings hope to the otherwise dismal situation by exploring the foundations of a global political-economic system that not only eliminates worldwide poverty but also studies the possibilities of eliminating elitism and ensuring that free choice reigns supreme-a system where "all things are held in common" and everyone is consecrated their preferences conditioned upon a principle of accountability called "stewardship." Everyone who is interested in a New World Order-one that is based on free choice-will enjoy this book.