The huge growth in mergers and acquisitions means that typically 1 in 7 senior managerswill find themselves involved in an acquisition. Dealing with such a complex and high-riskenterprise can be daunting for the inexperienced. Effective financial due diligence iscrucial to success.
You'll find all the guidance you need to successfully oversee the financial duediligence process in Financial Due Diligence: A guide to ensuring successfulacquisitions. It offers practical tools and techniques, along with sampledocumentation, to enable you to conduct an effective investigation and gives guidance onhow to instruct and brief external consultants. You will gain a comprehensive overview offinancial due diligence and how it fits into the wider acquisition process.
Contents include:
Instructing investigating accountants
How to brief investigating accountants
Format of the financial due diligence report
Starting the investigation
How to conduct an investigation into: organisation structure and employees, cash flows, trading result, accounting policies, taxation and financial projections