Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - 8th International Symposium, ATVA 2010, Singapore, September 21-24, 2010, P
These proceedings contain the papers presented at the 8th Internationl S- posium on Automated Technology for Veri?cation and Analysis held during September 21-24, 2010 in Singapore. The primary objective of the ATVA c- ferences remains the same: to exchange and promote the latest advances of state-of-the-art research on theoretical and practical aspects of automated an- ysis, veri?cation and synthesis. From 72 papers submitted to ATVA 2010 in response to our call for papers, the Program Committee accepted 21 regular papers and 9 tool papers. Each paper received at least three reviews. The Program Committee worked hard to ensure that every submission received a rigorous and fair evaluation, with the ?nalprogramselectedaftera10-dayonlinediscussionsviatheEasychairsystem. OurprogramalsoincludedthreekeynotetalksandinvitedtutorialsbyThomas A.Henzinger(ISTAustria),JoxanJa?ar(NationalUniversityofSingapore)and IgorWalukiewicz(CNRS, France).Theconferenceorganizersweretrulygrateful to have such distinguished researchers as keynote speakers for the symposium. A new feature for the ATVA symposium this year were the two co-located workshops, In?nity 2010 (co-chaired by Yu-Fang Chen and Ahmed Rezine) and PMCW 2010 (co-chaired by Jun Sun and Hai Wang).
We are delighted with the expanded scope, interactions and depth that the two workshops helped bring to the symposium. Many people worked hard and o?ered their valuable time so generously to make ATVA 2010 successful. First and foremost, we would like to thank all authors who worked hard to complete and submit papers to the conference. The ProgramCommittee members, reviewersand Steering Committee members alsodeservespecialrecognition.Without them, a competitive andpeer-reviewed international symposium simply cannot take place.