This anthology explores different approaches to and readings of Techno-Anthropology, which is a new inter-disciplinary research and study area at Aalborg University. Techno-Anthropology is a hybrid that in different ways re-defines and transcends distinctions like humans versus technologies and the natural sciences versus the humanities. Thereby gaps are bridged between different disciplines and professions working with new technologies and between technological artefacts and their users. The chapters in this anthology are concerned with a wide range of issues related to Techno-Anthropology: ethnographic field work in expert and technology cultures, inter-disciplinary perspectives on education, collaboration and communication, philosophical analyses and ethical judgements of new and emerging technologies, digital anthropology, and anthropology-driven design. The anthology will appeal to scientists, anthropologists, engineers, philosophers, designers, sociologists, planners, educators, innovators and decision-makers. This book is a part of the series "Serie om Laerings-, forandrings- og organisations-udviklingsprocesser / Series in Transformational Studies".