Many young musicians will admit they know little about personal finance. They have trouble budgeting what little money they make from their part-time jobs, carry debt incurred by ringing up credit cards on studio equipment they cannot afford, and get lured into using the latest investment apps that have them putting grandma’s birthday card money into investments they may not even understand. Even worse, when that rare musician gains financial and career success, they often go on a mad spending spree only to end up completely broke ten years later. You don’t want this to happen to you, right? This is why a simple and easy-to-read book written specifically for musicians about personal finance is so vital to understanding and success.
Written by a 30-year expert in the music business together with a 30-year specialist in the investment industry, Personal Finance for Musicians provides a brief overview of everything you should have learned in school but didn’t. Topics include: developing the right mind-set, paying-off debt, budgeting and saving, building credit, dealing with banks, paying taxes, insuring your assets, understanding investments, examining music revenue streams, learning the lingo, seeking financial help, avoiding financial noise, and more. This book provides an excellent introduction for musicians whose knowledge is limited or who are new to the critically important subject of personal finance. The objective is to help put you on the right track to better financial health and inspire you to learn more without intimidating you, or even worse—boring you.