Interaction is a prominent part of our everyday life and experience; daily reality is constructed within the interactions that individuals establish with those around them, with whom they share experiences in a concrete context. Objects, phenomena and individuals permanently influence each other through this dynamic process. The authors of this volume engage in an on-going interpretative process of defining this influence, giving considerable attention to the way participants to interaction try to understand each other, to interpret each other’s activity and prove this in an explicit or implicit way through a variety of semiotic codes (verbal, nonverbal or paraverbal). The authors, implicitly, address the question: how do social actors (in their quality of translators, writers, painters or teachers) see the world around and the interactions between its constituent parts/activities/processes?The primary goal of Perspectives on Interaction is to bring together concerns, approaches, interpretations and analyses on the proposed topic. The authors, members of a young research group (“Cultural Spaces”), have examined various aspects through which interaction manifests itself in social practices, linguistics, translation studies, didactics and literary discourse. This has made possible the gathering of the material under four headings which constitute the chapters of the book: Translation as Interaction; Aspects of Social Interaction; Texts and Representations in Interaction; Interactive Practices in Literary Discourse. Ideas have been organized around some important key points: communication, action, interaction, competence, performance, linguistic and nonlinguistic signs.The volume will appeal to researchers and students working within the fields of translation, education, arts, discourse and literature, and offers inspiring topics and relevant research.