In 1980, after launching his daughter into a new life with her husband, Marshall Boker suddenly decided to leave his successful career as an architect, dismantle his life in Denver and pursue his lifelong dream of sailing the South Pacific.
He took off for Florida to buy a boat only to be disappointed in what he found. Self-described as stubborn, he decided he would need to have the boat of his dreams custom built and proceeded to contact builders in four countries before settling on a company in Taipei. When delays and ambiguous responses caused him concern in the coming months, he gathered his things and took off for the East to personally supervise the completion of the vessel which would eventually be christened the Nina-B.
Marshall found himself navigating the uncharted waters of Asian business practices long before he ever began to navigate the Pacific, but when the Nina-B's hull finally hit the water, her new captain began the adventure of a lifetime that would carry him to new places and bring him new friends, new challenges and the woman with whom he would spend the rest of his life-Tyana, his beloved "Admiral-Ty."
Marshall Boker kept meticulous records and recounts a memorable and sometimes harrowing tale of his travels, which is sure to keep readers turning the pages and perhaps start them dreaming their own dreams of a life of adventure on their own version of the Nina-B.