CD / Album
1. Fountain Fauna
2. Rococo Raccoon and the Heavy Decor
3. Terminal Vista
4. With Evening Came the Unexpected
5. What the Walks the Maze By Night
6. Rusted Gate Curiously Ajar
7. Under Sun and Silence
8. Thence an Inclined Path
9. And Another Weedy Pavillion Was Presented
10. So Sunk the Sunken Garden
11. The Path Is Not Always Evident
12. The Carvings of Beastley Grotto
13. Night - What Once Adorned These?
14. Beware the Well of Saint Untel
15. Broken Balustrades
16. The Helpful Badger
17. Night - What Slendour Has Befallen
18. A Secret Was Always Provided (Part I)
19. A Secret Was Always Provided (Part II)
20. At Dusk: Phantom Hounds
21. The Shape Tells the Tale
22. If, Upon These Leaf-littered Pavements