CD / Album
1. Dret Tancat Saves the Multiverse
2. Afterlife Revolution
3. Cryptic Mountain
4. The Strangeness of You
5. Letter of Complaint
6. The Molosse of Monument Hill
14. Selected Utterances (From the Egyptian Pyramid Texts)
8. The Findings of the London Dialectical Society
9. Acting Bears
10. All My Sheddings
11. La Fontaine De L'eglise
12. Me and Apocalypse Fox
13. Summertime Is Here
15. The Vine On the House On Ambrose Lane
16. Waters, Eaux & Aquae
17. Audience With Stripycoat
18. The Parthenon Replica
19. Seven Fabulous Jackals
20. The Greenish Meadow
7. Have a Lovely Day