Graphics Recognition. Algorithms and Applications - 4th International Workshop, GREC 2001, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, September
This book presents refereed and revised papers presented at GREC 2001, the 4th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, which took place in Kingston, Ontario, Canada in September 2001. Graphics recognition is a branch of document image analysis that focuses on the recognition of two-dimensional notations such as engineering drawings, maps, mathematical notation, music notation, tables, and chemical structure diagrams. Due to the growing demand for both o?-line and on-line document recognition systems, the ?eld of graphics recognition has an excitingand promisingfuture. The GREC workshops provide an opportunity for researchers at all levels of experience to share insights into graphics recognition methods. The workshops enjoy strongparticipation from researchers in both industry and academia. They are sponsored by IAPR TC-10, the Technical Committee on Graphics Recog- tion within the International Association for Pattern Recognition. Edited v- umes from the previous three workshops in this series are available as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vols. 1072, 1389, and 1941. After the GREC 2001 workshop, authors were invited to submit enhanced versions of their papers for review. Every paper was evaluated by three reviewers. We are grateful to both authors and reviewers for their careful work during this review process. Many of the papers that appear in this volume were thoroughly revised and improved, in response to reviewers’ suggestions.