Pinpoint is a new series of activities and resources created to provide you with time-saving resources for specific needs in Maths.
3 Teacher Activity Books for Y2-4: A4 size, 108 pages each
90 Practice Books for Y2-4: A4 size, 32 pages each
Teaching, practice and assessment to ensure success in the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check and beyond, including free online Pinpoint Times Table Check
Develops reasoning and applying alongside fluency and provides stretch and challenge for all with Towards, Securing and Deeper sections on each page
Designed to save teachers time with a clear progression of activities all in one place, challenge for all ability levels and easy to fit in with existing plans
This pack provides Teacher Activity Books, pupil practice books and assessments for teachers & TAs to use throughout Y2-4 / P3-5. The activities develop secure understanding and encourage reasoning and applying throughout, alongside fluent recall. This provides a firm foundation for success in maths in the long term, as well as the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check, helping children derive the maximum possible benefit from their times tables. Includes class, group and individual activities.