Dossey & Keegan's Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice, Eighth Edition covers basic and advanced concepts of holism, demonstrating how holistic nursing spans all specialties and levels. This text is distinguished by its emphasis on theory, research, and evidence-based practice essential to holistic nursing. Students and professionals alike need a comprehensive, up-to-date text to guide them in learning holistic nursing concepts and how to integrate those concepts into clinical practice and their daily lives. This approach prepares students and professionals to incorporate a holistic philosophy in both their work and personal lives to better communicate with patients and provide whole-person patient care. -Sections are aligned with the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) Core Values to guide the reader through foundations of holistic nursing. -Include updates related to the 3rd edition of AHNA/ANA Holistic Nursing Scope and Standards (2019)-Expanded content on self-reflection and self-care -Revised chapter on “Professional Development Across the Lifespan” expands on the integration of holism into education and practice-“Advanced Practice Nursing” section will include additional topics such as leadership and approaches for chronic health challenges to encourage continued holistic practice by advanced practice nurses.-Case studies incorporated throughout chapters help readers make the connections to put holistic theories and concepts into practice.