Everyday Witch A to Z - an Amusing, Inspiring and Informative Guide to the Wonderful World of Witchcraft
Break out your broomstick and get ready to set your magical powers free with this fun and inspiring guide for the everyday witch! Whether you're curious about the art of witchcraft and just setting out on your path or looking to add more spell crafting skills to your repertoire, this must-have book is meant for you. From altars to the zodiac, all things witchy are presented alphabetically in quick and easy bites for fast reference. Get the low-down on everything you ever wondered about witchcraft-herbs, gems and stones, deities, gods and goddesses, magical tools, correspondences, and much more. Discover how to jumpstart and add extra zest to your practice with tips and tricks for crafting quick and effective spells, along with helpful hints for incorporating witchcraft into your daily life. The author's cat, Magic, even offers spells and wise words of her own!