This is the fascinating story of two brothers' ten year long journey around the world's largest yet least-known archipelago. Based on the award-winning PBS documentary series, "Ring of Fire" is this first-person account of the adventures of two English brothers as they explore the astonishingly rich cultures of the Indonesian archipelago. Their fascinating odyssey began in 1972 with a 2,500-mile voyage through the fabled Spice Islands, in search of the Greater Bird of Paradise. A decade of further exploration followed, during which the brothers lived among the Asmat cannibals of Papua and the healers of Bali, came face-to-face with the man-eating dragons of Komodo, and encountered the elusive dream wanderers of Borneo. Amid impenetrable rain forests, erupting volcanoes and startling natural beauty, the brothers have captured on film and in words the story of one of the most captivating and intriguing explorations ever made.