For his third title in the stunning A Year in the Life of...series, noted climber, photographer and writer Bill Birkett turns his attention to another Lake District landscape, one of the most enchanting in Britain: sylvan Borrowdale, which stretches from the high fells of Esk Pike and Great Gable down to Lake Derwentwater. Seasonal changes are more marked here than anywhere else in Britain. In spring, violets and anemones fill the woods; summer is a thousand shades of green while autumn's colours are shot through with golden beech trees and rusty bracken. Hill farmers and sheepdogs tend the native Herdwick sheep. Stone cottages and farms occupy the dale and stonewalls span hillside and valley. Fell-runners and hill-walkers explore the heights, while below them local life continues much as it has done for centuries. Born and brought up in the Lake District himself, Bill Birkett captures the nooks and crannies, the woods, watercourses and mountains of this much-loved Lake District scenery like nobody else.