The fact that symbiotic entanglements are a kind of hostage-taking of the child is not only shown by many biographies of successful artists, writers, top athletes, etc. - they are a common disease-causing phenomenon. Due to the traumatic experiences of a parent, a symbiotic bond with the child can arise, which serves as an instrument for their own needs or compulsions. Such attachment patterns can degenerate into emotional abuse, which has a negative effect on the development of those affected into adulthood. Symbiotically abused people suffer from violations of the boundaries of intimacy and have difficulties in perceiving themselves appropriately, as well as in separating themselves and dealing with impulses of aggressiveness. In this book, Franco Biondi deals with the psychodynamics of symbiotic entanglement patterns and embeds them in attachment theory, developmental traumatology and systemic approaches. Numerous treatment sequences illustrate the topic and give hope to be able to free yourself from such entanglements.