Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Issues & Legislation
One part of the ongoing energy debate has been whether to approve energy development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in north-eastern Alaska -- and if so, under what conditions -- or whether to continue to prohibit development to protect the area's biological, recreational, and subsistence values. ANWR is rich in fauna, flora, and oil potential. Its development has been debated for over 40 years, but sharp increases in energy prices from late 2000 to early 2001, terrorist attacks, more price increases in 2004-2008, and energy infrastructure damage from hurricanes have intensified debate. Few onshore U.S. areas stir as much industry interest as ANWR. At the same time, few areas are considered more worthy of protection in the eyes of conservation and some Native groups. Current law explicitly prohibits oil and gas leasing in the Refuge.