Superficially, Dr. Glen Coyle seems to have everything, a beautiful wife, a successful cosmetic surgery and financial security. But postoperative infections are ticking steadily upwards and Glen's patient/surgeon interaction leaves something to be desired. It doesn't take long for official organisations such as the DEA to become concerned and start investigations and those investigations rapidly hone in on a possible criminal offence. As a sideline, Dr. Coyle runs a pain clinic; but aren't those prescriptions abnormally high? If they are it is because Dr. Coyle is hiding a secret, he is addicted to opiates, an addiction that threatens not only his business, but also his marriage and everything he holds dear.
Drawing on his experience of years spent treating addicted physicians, Bill McCausland writes a taut novel about addiction and its consequences. Extra-marital indiscretion, the DEA, unhappy patients - the clock is clicking on Dr. Coyle - but who can he turn to for help?