This unique and fascinating book takes a critical look at aspects of the prevalent entrepreneurship discourse and presents several substantive new theories, prescribing what should be abandoned (demobilization) and what should be adopted or given a more central position (mobilization).
The contributors contend that entrepreneurship is not only an economic matter; that it is not a predominantly male-gender issue; and that it is not only done by heroes or extraordinary efforts but rather that it is as much a matter of ordinary, routine activities. They conclude that the entrepreneurship literature could greatly benefit from including the concepts of space and place, that resistance to it is an important aspect of its success, and that it is just as much about imitation as about creativity. Finally, they address the issue that what should be demobilized or mobilized in the entrepreneurship discourse might actually be the wrong question, since entrepreneurship is arguably a way of life.
At the cutting edge of entrepreneurship research, this thought-provoking book will prove a stimulating read for entrepreneurship academics, students and researchers in the fields of entrepreneurship and business and management.